I’m so tired of being afraid. Or rather, letting my fear control my brain the way it has been.
Indulge me for a moment so I can review. Most of my childhood and early adulthood was not ruled by fear at all. I wasn’t a particularly fearful child, if I wanted to do something, for the most part, I did it. When I felt fear I always thought, “Will I regret not doing this?” and made a decision based on that. Of course, I didn’t know enough to be afraid of many things I probably should have been afraid of, but that’s part of the beauty of being young. I rode horses- did pretty dangerous things on horses, mind you- with my best friend. I played rugby against women twice my size. I travelled alone, I tried new things, I went cliff diving, I went white water rafting, and I moved to new places. I made choices that made me happy.
In 2011, when I moved to Wales, of course I was scared. Again however, it didn’t rule my thoughts or my decisions. When I returned from Wales however, the way my brain had been working seemed to change. If you’ve ever seen that episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when her friends bring her back from heaven after she dies, that’s how I felt. I had changed, and everyone and everything seemed to be the same. It wasn’t a bad thing that they were the same, it was just that I didn’t know how everything fit into my life anymore. I didn’t know what I wanted and I felt like I lost who I was and I was terrified. I was lost. This feeling has continued and is still continuing today.
When Andy and I started seeing each other at the very end of 2013, I began a life-long process of “dealing with my shit”. There was no more analyzing from a safe distance why I picked the relationships I picked. I wasn’t going to make excuses for myself any longer or pretend that my fear of intimacy and commitment were out of my control. I began to do the scariest thing I have ever done. I’ve EVER done. Ever.
I let someone in to see everything about me. When you do this, life offers you a marvelous chance to grow… and it is fucking hard. Every. Single. Day. I had so many fears triggered in such intensity that I almost couldn’t manage anything but going to work and dealing with my fear. In the past, that would have in the past sent me running for life, but instead I let them bubble up. These things are the fears that I’d never really looked at before. The fear of being truly seen, the fear of abandonment, of not being good enough, fear of verbal abuse, fear of manipulation, fear of pain and hurt, fear of death, shame, etc. These things came up time after time, and they still do. All of the fears that I never allowed myself to recognize were finally able to scream at me, and I was forced to listen because I wasn’t willing to walk away from this amazing man. I also knew very deep down that I deserved to get to the other side, I deserved love and intimacy even if I didn’t see a way through the fear and the pain. I sat through hours of ugly crying on my bed, clinging to my dog, and saying over and over “I’m so scared.” I looked at it and I sat with it. I still look at it and I still sit with it.
But lately something has changed. The fear has sort of taken over a bit. I’ve let it bubble up for the past two years because it needed to come out, I needed to look at these things so that I could be in a healthy relationship with someone. But now, it seems like it’s been running rampant in my brain for awhile.
I’m so not okay with that.
Today, as I was driving in my car, the thought popped up, “I’m really fucking tired of being scared. I’m DONE.” I felt my inner Lara Croft taking over again. She is a badass and she is a part of me that I need right now.
I’m DONE letting fear tell me that I can’t start my own business. I’m DONE letting fear tell me that Andy’s going to leave me. I’m DONE thinking that I’m not good enough. If I want to do something, I will figure out how to do it. I want to write and bounce business ideas off my friends. If I don’t know something that I need to know, I will learn, I will take classes, I will ask questions. I want to kickbox again, so that I can physically feel like I’m strong and brave on the outside again.
And I want a goddamn crossbow.
When I was young and I was afraid, I just didn’t look at it and instead protected myself from dealing with fear by avoiding intimacy and love. Recently, I’ve looked at all that fear I was ignoring and built a solid foundation with Andy, but I have also been letting the fear rule me. Those approaches, although they served me well at the time, are not serving me anymore. So, I’m doing what I always do: adapt. I’m going to look at my fear and I’m going to hear it out for a moment because fear is just trying to protect me. I’m righting this down to remind myself of this feeling, this mindset. Not everything fear says is true, but maybe the fear has a point. I can hear it out in order to help minimize risk, but I’m NOT letting it be the sole decision-maker. It will get a voice, but it won’t be the voice.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going crossbow shopping. Every badass needs a crossbow.
Awesome! I've dealt with similar fears and my ex-husband's words continue to be a mantra in my head, "The only difference between you and Them is that They are doing it." That's what he said to me right before I quit grad school and committed to doing something (anything) that involved writing. It was the first time I didn't have a plan and it was frightening, but it worked out and I wouldn't have changed a thing. You've got this. We all believe in you.